Milan’s Story

Milan’s story begins December 8, 2000. She lived with an enthusiastic spirit, loved friends, life, fashion, and dance.

In December 2007, devastating news was received. Milan was diagnosed with an inoperable malignant brain tumor (DIPG) and given 6 months to live

After an exhaustive search brought the realization that there was little hope. Milan passed away on February 12, 2009, shortly after her 8th birthday.

The idea of the fund blossomed from the struggles of Philip, Sharyn and Delano Capobianco during their battle for their daughter/sister, Milan Maria Capobianco.

That is how the journey of Milan’s Miracle Fund started. In the beginning, our main effort was to raise awareness and rally support. Then, eventually, as we gained momentum, the mission expanded to fund research and clinical trials for pediatric cancer to find a cure.

We are proud to say, thanks to our donors and supporters, we have raised nearly half a million dollars.  We are now hosting pediatric research and clinical trials and have families coming from across the world with children diagnosed with this not so rare form of brain cancer. We have a long road ahead of us…there is still no cure, but we can now provide a tremendous amount of hope with a personalized treatment plan.